Well as you can see this here be my first post on my new blog / wall or whatever you call this .......*uhm okay let me start off by introducing myself you knw manners and all. Ok I'm the rookiehero I'm called this by the old lady (my wife) due to my extensive military , industrial firefighting and now policing (I'm currently employed as a detective within the saps) experience but I have to add I was a milkman an apprentice carpenter and a manager in training at a fast food chain (notjing heroic about attending to customer complaints all day is there ;)) I rather consider myself a anti-hero my choices in my life with regards to my careers was mostly driven by the need to be accepted in society , growing up as a shy and awkward child , my parents "going" their separate ways and not receiving much of anything from my old man prompted me to join the army and hopefully fall of the face of the earth which I obviously did not because I'm writing this blog aint I.
But yeah moving on , I spent 6 years hiding from the world , 6 years of my life I won't say that was completely wasted (but it was a waste of time ) in those six yrs I've grown up somewhat but not entirely (the army makes a man or man -woman out of you) I've experienced many things eg celebrating my 21st birthday by myself on my army bed , having my hair shaved off , border deployments night operations , firefights(shootouts), the accidental deaths of two of my colleagues one of which was a good friend and war simulations (being a amoured recon driver that was my most unforgetable experience I loved every minute of it , which boy that has a tank to drive wouldn't ) I also severly injured my knee my shoulder and broke a thumb(playing soccer with my squadron) . My point is this in those six years away from home hoping to find happiness I wasn't truly happy until I found what I was searching for at home , she knows who I'm speaking about she brought me home and made me whole again (I'm speaking about my wife , my life , my reason for being who I am ) ishe gave me the courage to face my demons and gave me shelter ( not that she is fat cause she aint) to hide from them but before I bore you let me have a soapy moiment and say .....next time on days of my life "from soldier to firefighter ) this is rookiehero sayin peace.
I meant to write welcome to blogspot ( I'm a bloging virgin)